Reminder to K-3 students: Please wear your class shirts for the Pumpkin Patch tomorrow.
3 days ago, Kandi Wilkerson
Early Dismissal 11:00 am on September 27th.
No Latchkey
7 days ago, Kandi Wilkerson
No Basketball Practice for September 26th, Thursday.
9 days ago, Kandi Wilkerson
Parents please have your child (ren) wear red shirts to their class trips for tomorrow!!
9 days ago, Kandi Wilkerson
Prayer at the Pole!! Great turn out!!
9 days ago, Kandi Wilkerson
See you at the Pole! September 25th @ 7:45 am.
10 days ago, Kandi Wilkerson
Picture Day Tomorrow!! Dress your Best!!
11 days ago, Kandi Wilkerson
Spirit Week
14 days ago, Kandi Wilkerson
Picture Day September 24th. Dress your Best!!
14 days ago, Kandi Wilkerson
Cheer practice is canceled today!!
14 days ago, Kandi Wilkerson
Dance will be getting out of practice today at 4 pm.
15 days ago, Kandi Wilkerson
No Basketball Open Gym tomorrow September 19th. Practice starts on September 23rd from 3-5.
16 days ago, Kandi Wilkerson
Reminder of PTO Meeting tomorrow night @ 6:00pm
Tuesday September 17th
18 days ago, Kandi Wilkerson
Progress Reports going home on Friday, September 13th.
22 days ago, Kandi Wilkerson
Father/Son Basketball Game this weekend on the 14th @ 5:00pm. Come out and support Akin Bulldogs Basketball!!
22 days ago, Kandi Wilkerson
Dental Safari will be here TOMORROW!! Please make sure that if your child needs to be seen to go online and fill out form or stop by office to fill one out. 30 days ago, Kandi Wilkerson
Reminder Regular Dismissal Today and Forward. Also Latchkey will start today!!
about 1 month ago, Kandi Wilkerson
Akin Township will be offering a free dumpster service to the public. It will be located at the Akin Township.
about 1 month ago, Kandi Wilkerson
Reminder of 11:00 am Dismissal Today! August 30th, 2024
about 1 month ago, Kandi Wilkerson
Safety Training
about 1 month ago, Kandi Wilkerson